
CVWS 60th Anniversary

The CVWS celebrated its 60th anniversary and the launch of History of the Comox Valley Writers Society on June 8, 2024, at The Gardens on Anderton in Comox. Attendees enjoyed Celtic music on stage and received greetings from Courtenay City Council, North Island C…

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I have been surprised by the number of people with sasquatch sightings and/or experiences. Most do not talk about them, unless with a known receptive audience. Since writing Sasquatch Discovered I have been privileged hear repressed reports about sasquatch exper…

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When I was growing up Hitchhiking was a common economic way to get from one place to another. In Where His Thumb Led, my friend Dewey enjoyed hitching to the extreme. Hitching was a social phenomenon throughout North America with the completion of the Trans-Canad…

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Niche market books

When I speak of niche market books I am referring to books with high interest but low readership potential. Such books may be hard to publish. There is not enough profit margin for trade publishers. They may be of interest to small presses, start-ups, hybrid publi…

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Dr. John Bindernagel

My friend, John Bindernagel, passed on January 18, 2018. At life’s end he didn’t feel his work was complete. He was still working in his last days from his bed. He had felt called to be a wildlife biologist and blessed to be in the right place at the right time to…

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